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The goal of pacta.loanbook is to provide and easy way to load and install all packages needed for running PACTA for Banks.

It also serves as a space to provide thorough and comprehensive documentation for running PACTA for Banks, in the form of a cookbook.


You can install the development version of pacta.loanbook from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")

Usage (WIP!)

library(pacta.loanbook) will load the core pacta.loanbook packages:

  •, for input data sets used in PACTA for Banks (e.g. sector classification systems, regional mappers, data dictionary, demo data).
  • r2dii.match, for matching counterparties in raw input loan books with companies in the asset-based company data (ABCD).
  • r2dii.analysis, for calculating the alignment of loan books and/or counterparties with climate transition scenarios.
  • r2dii.plot, for plotting the results of the alignment analysis in standard PACTA plot format.