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The package r2dii.match helps you to match counterparties from a loanbook to companies in a physical-asset database. Each section below shows you how.


We use the package r2dii.match to access the most important functions you’ll learn about. We also use example datasets from the package, and optional but convenient functions from the packages dplyr and readr.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

Format input data loanbook and asset-based company data (abcd)

We need two datasets: a “loanbook” and an “asset-based company dataset” (abcd). These should be formatted like: loanbook_demo and abcd_demo (from the package).

A note on sector classification: Matches are preferred when the sector from the loanbook matches the sector from the abcd. The loanbook sector is determined internally using the sector_classification_system and sector_classification_direct_loantaker columns. Currently, we only allow a couple specific values for sector_classification_system:

sector_classifications$code_system %>%
#> [1] "GICS"  "ISIC"  "NACE"  "NAICS" "PSIC"  "SIC"

If you would like to use a different classification system, please raise an issue in and we can incorporate it.

#> # A tibble: 283 × 13
#>    id_loan id_direct_loantaker name_direct_loantaker       id_ultimate_parent
#>    <chr>   <chr>               <chr>                       <chr>             
#>  1 L1      C294                Vitale Group                UP15              
#>  2 L2      C293                Moen-Moen                   UP84              
#>  3 L3      C292                Rowe-Rowe                   UP288             
#>  4 L4      C299                Fadel-Fadel                 UP54              
#>  5 L5      C305                Ring AG & Co. KGaA          UP104             
#>  6 L6      C304                Kassulke-Kassulke           UP83              
#>  7 L7      C227                Morissette Group            UP134             
#>  8 L8      C303                Barone s.r.l.               UP163             
#>  9 L9      C301                Werner Werner AG & Co. KGaA UP138             
#> 10 L10     C302                De rosa s.r.l.              UP32              
#> # ℹ 273 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: name_ultimate_parent <chr>, loan_size_outstanding <dbl>,
#> #   loan_size_outstanding_currency <chr>, loan_size_credit_limit <dbl>,
#> #   loan_size_credit_limit_currency <chr>, sector_classification_system <chr>,
#> #   sector_classification_direct_loantaker <chr>, lei_direct_loantaker <chr>,
#> #   isin_direct_loantaker <chr>

#> # A tibble: 4,972 × 12
#>    company_id name_company         lei   sector technology production_unit  year
#>    <chr>      <chr>                <chr> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>           <int>
#>  1 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2020
#>  2 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2021
#>  3 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2022
#>  4 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2023
#>  5 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2024
#>  6 175        Giordano, Giordano … 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2025
#>  7 526        Vitali, Vitali e Vi… 8871… cement integrate… tonnes per year  2020
#>  8 526        Vitali, Vitali e Vi… 8871… cement integrate… tonnes per year  2021
#>  9 526        Vitali, Vitali e Vi… 8871… cement integrate… tonnes per year  2022
#> 10 526        Vitali, Vitali e Vi… 8871… cement integrate… tonnes per year  2023
#> # ℹ 4,962 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: production <dbl>, emission_factor <dbl>,
#> #   plant_location <chr>, is_ultimate_owner <lgl>, emission_factor_unit <chr>

If you want to use loanbook_demo and abcd_demo as template to create your own datasets, do this:

  • Write loanbook_demo.csv and abcd_demo.csv with:
# Writting to current working directory 
loanbook_demo %>% 
  readr::write_csv(path = "loanbook_demo.csv")

abcd_demo %>% 
  readr::write_csv(path = "abcd_demo.csv")
  • For each dataset, replace our demo data with your data.
  • Save each dataset as, for example, your_loanbook.csv and your_abcd.csv.
  • Read your datasets back into R with:
# Reading from current working directory 
your_loanbook <- readr::read_csv("your_loanbook.csv")
your_abcd <- readr::read_csv("your_abcd.csv")

Here we continue to use the *_demo datasets, pretending they contain the data of your own.

# WARNING: Skip this to avoid overwriting your data with our demo data
your_loanbook <- loanbook_demo
your_abcd <- abcd_demo

Score the goodness of the match between the loanbook and abcd datasets

match_name() scores the match between names in a loanbook dataset (lbk) and names in an asset-based company dataset (abcd). The names come from the columns name_direct_loantaker and name_ultimate_parent of the loanbook dataset, and from the column name_company of the a asset-based company dataset. In the loan book data set, it is possible to optionally add any number of name_intermediate_parent_* columns, where * indicates the level up the corporate tree from direct_loantaker.

The raw names are internally transformed applying best-practices commonly used in name matching algorithms, such as:

  • Remove special characters.
  • Replace language specific characters.
  • Abbreviate certain names to reduce their importance in the matching.
  • Removing corporate suffixes when necessary.
  • Spell out numbers to increase their importance.

The similarity is then scored between the internally-transformed names of the loanbook against the abcd. (For more information on the scoring algorithm used, see: stringdist::stringsim()).

match_name(your_loanbook, your_abcd)
#> # A tibble: 326 × 22
#>    id_loan id_direct_loantaker name_direct_loantaker       id_ultimate_parent
#>    <chr>   <chr>               <chr>                       <chr>             
#>  1 L1      C294                Vitale Group                UP15              
#>  2 L3      C292                Rowe-Rowe                   UP288             
#>  3 L5      C305                Ring AG & Co. KGaA          UP104             
#>  4 L6      C304                Kassulke-Kassulke           UP83              
#>  5 L6      C304                Kassulke-Kassulke           UP83              
#>  6 L7      C227                Morissette Group            UP134             
#>  7 L7      C227                Morissette Group            UP134             
#>  8 L8      C303                Barone s.r.l.               UP163             
#>  9 L9      C301                Werner Werner AG & Co. KGaA UP138             
#> 10 L9      C301                Werner Werner AG & Co. KGaA UP138             
#> # ℹ 316 more rows
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: name_ultimate_parent <chr>, loan_size_outstanding <dbl>,
#> #   loan_size_outstanding_currency <chr>, loan_size_credit_limit <dbl>,
#> #   loan_size_credit_limit_currency <chr>, sector_classification_system <chr>,
#> #   sector_classification_direct_loantaker <chr>, lei_direct_loantaker <chr>,
#> #   isin_direct_loantaker <chr>, id_2dii <chr>, level <chr>, sector <chr>,
#> #   sector_abcd <chr>, name <chr>, name_abcd <chr>, score <dbl>, …

match_name() defaults to scoring matches between name strings that belong to the same sector. Using by_sector = FALSE removes this limitation – increasing computation time, and the number of potentially incorrect matches to manually validate.

match_name(your_loanbook, your_abcd, by_sector = FALSE) %>%
#> [1] 656

# Compare
match_name(your_loanbook, your_abcd, by_sector = TRUE) %>%
#> [1] 326

min_score allows you to minimum threshold score.

matched <- match_name(your_loanbook, your_abcd, min_score = 0.9)
#> [1] 0.9007692 1.0000000

Maybe overwrite matches

If you are happy with the matching coverage achieved, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you can manually add matches, not found automatically by match_name(). To do this, manually inspect the abcd and find a company you would like to match to your loanbook. Once a match is found, use excel to write a .csv file similar to overwrite_demo, where:

  • level indicates the level that the manual match should be added to (e.g. direct_loantaker)
  • id_2dii is the id of the loanbook company you would like to match (from the output of match_name())
  • name is the abcd company you would like to manually link to
  • sector optionally you can also overwrite the sector.
  • source this can be used later to determine where all manual matches came from.
matched <- match_name(
  your_loanbook, your_abcd,
  min_score = 0.9, overwrite = overwrite_demo
#> Warning: You should only overwrite a sector at the level of the 'direct
#> loantaker' (DL). If you overwrite a sector at the level of the 'ultimate
#> parent' (UP) you consequently overwrite all children of that sector,
#> which most likely is a mistake.

Notice the warning.

Validate matches

For information on validating matches, please see the documentation for prioritize() (?r2dii.match::prioritize)

Prioritize validated matches by level

The validated dataset may have multiple matches per loan. Consider the case where a loan is given to “Acme Power USA”, a subsidiary of “Acme Power Co.”. There may be both “Acme Power USA” and “Acme Power Co.” in the abcd, and so there could be two valid matches for this loan. To get the best match only, use prioritize() – it picks rows where score is 1 and level per loan is of highest priority():

# Pretend we validated the matched dataset
valid_matches <- matched

some_interesting_columns <- c("id_2dii", "level", "score")

valid_matches %>%
  prioritize() %>%
#> # A tibble: 175 × 3
#>    id_2dii level            score
#>    <chr>   <chr>            <dbl>
#>  1 DL129   direct_loantaker     1
#>  2 DL144   direct_loantaker     1
#>  3 DL270   direct_loantaker     1
#>  4 DL86    direct_loantaker     1
#>  5 DL5     direct_loantaker     1
#>  6 DL80    direct_loantaker     1
#>  7 DL150   direct_loantaker     1
#>  8 DL3     direct_loantaker     1
#>  9 DL65    direct_loantaker     1
#> 10 DL79    direct_loantaker     1
#> # ℹ 165 more rows

By default, highest priority refers to the most granular match (direct_loantaker). The default priority is set internally via prioritize_levels().

#> [1] "direct_loantaker" "ultimate_parent"

You may use a different priority. One way to do that is to pass a function to priority. For example, use rev to reverse the default priority.

matched %>%
  prioritize(priority = rev) %>%
#> # A tibble: 175 × 3
#>    id_2dii level           score
#>    <chr>   <chr>           <dbl>
#>  1 UP190   ultimate_parent     1
#>  2 UP101   ultimate_parent     1
#>  3 UP39    ultimate_parent     1
#>  4 UP63    ultimate_parent     1
#>  5 UP224   ultimate_parent     1
#>  6 UP132   ultimate_parent     1
#>  7 UP12    ultimate_parent     1
#>  8 UP20    ultimate_parent     1
#>  9 UP134   ultimate_parent     1
#> 10 UP127   ultimate_parent     1
#> # ℹ 165 more rows