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Fake data about physical assets (e.g. wind turbine power plant capacities), aggregated to company-level. These data are used to assess the climate alignment of financial portfolios. It imitates data from market-intelligence databases.

Demo datasets are synthetic because most financial data is strictly private; they help to demonstrate and test the implementation in R of 'PACTA' (




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 4972 rows and 12 columns.


  • company_id (character): The id of the company owning the asset created by the data provider., * emission_factor (double): Company level emission factor of the technology., * emission_factor_unit (character): The units that the emission factor is measured in., * is_ultimate_owner (logical): Flag if company is the ultimate parent in our database., * lei (character): The legal entity identifier of the company owning the asset., * name_company (character): The name of the company owning the asset., * plant_location (character): Country where asset is located., * production (double): Company level production of the technology., * production_unit (character): The units that production is measured in., * sector (character): Sector to which the asset belongs., * technology (character): Technology implemented by the asset., * year (integer): Year at which the production value is predicted.


#> # A tibble: 6 × 12
#>   company_id name_company          lei   sector technology production_unit  year
#>   <chr>      <chr>                 <chr> <chr>  <chr>      <chr>           <int>
#> 1 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2020
#> 2 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2021
#> 3 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2022
#> 4 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2023
#> 5 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2024
#> 6 175        Giordano, Giordano e… 1850… power  hydrocap   MW               2025
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: production <dbl>, emission_factor <dbl>,
#> #   plant_location <chr>, is_ultimate_owner <lgl>, emission_factor_unit <chr>