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Prepare data for plotting technology mix


  convert_label = identity,
  span_5yr = FALSE,
  convert_tech_label = identity



A data frame. Requirements:

  • The structure must be like market_share.

  • The following columns must have a single value: sector, region, scenario_source.

  • The column metric must have a portfolio (e.g. "projected"), a benchmark (e.g. "corporate_economy"), and a single scenario (e.g. "target_sds").

  • (Optional) If present, the column label is used for data labels.

  • (Optional) If present, the column label_tech is used for technology labels.


A symbol. The unquoted name of a function to apply to y-axis labels. For example:

  • To convert labels to uppercase use convert_label = toupper.

  • To get the default behavior of qplot_techmix() use convert_label = recode_metric_techmix.


Logical. Use TRUE to restrict the time span to 5 years from the start year (the default behavior of qplot_techmix()), or use FALSE to impose no restriction.


A symbol. The unquoted name of a function to apply to technology legend labels. For example, to convert labels to uppercase use convert_tech_label = toupper. To get the default behavior of qplot_techmix() use convert_tech_label = spell_out_technology.


A data-frame ready to be plotted using plot_techmix().

See also


# `data` must meet documented "Requirements"
data <- subset(
  scenario_source == "demo_2020" &
    sector == "power" &
    region == "global" &
    metric %in% c("projected", "corporate_economy", "target_sds")

#> The `technology_share` values are plotted for extreme years.
#> Do you want to plot different years? E.g. filter data with:`subset(data, year %in% c(2020, 2030))`.
#> # A tibble: 30 × 13
#>    sector technology  year region scenario_source metric     production
#>    <chr>  <chr>      <int> <chr>  <chr>           <chr>           <dbl>
#>  1 power  coalcap     2020 global demo_2020       projected      21766.
#>  2 power  coalcap     2040 global demo_2020       projected      22531.
#>  3 power  coalcap     2040 global demo_2020       target_sds      5027.
#>  4 power  gascap      2020 global demo_2020       projected       4602.
#>  5 power  gascap      2040 global demo_2020       projected       2808.
#>  6 power  gascap      2040 global demo_2020       target_sds      3289.
#>  7 power  hydrocap    2020 global demo_2020       projected      23261.
#>  8 power  hydrocap    2040 global demo_2020       projected      24599.
#>  9 power  hydrocap    2040 global demo_2020       target_sds     24920.
#> 10 power  nuclearcap  2020 global demo_2020       projected          0 
#> # ℹ 20 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: technology_share <dbl>, scope <chr>,
#> #   percentage_of_initial_production_by_scope <dbl>, label <chr>,
#> #   label_tech <chr>, value <dbl>