A table of column names and descriptions of data frames used or exported by the functions in this package.
#> # A tibble: 33 × 4
#> dataset column typeof definition
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 match_name_output borderline logical indicates if the classific…
#> 2 match_name_output id_2dii character an id used internally by m…
#> 3 match_name_output id_direct_loantaker character Borrower identifier unique…
#> 4 match_name_output id_loan character Unique loan identifier
#> 5 match_name_output id_ultimate_parent character Ultimate parent identifier…
#> 6 match_name_output lei_direct_loantaker character Optional input: providing …
#> 7 match_name_output level character the level of granularity t…
#> 8 match_name_output name character the name of the loanbook c…
#> 9 match_name_output name_abcd character the name of the abcd compa…
#> 10 match_name_output name_direct_loantaker character Name of the company direct…
#> # ℹ 23 more rows