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This dataset serves as a translation key between common sector-classification systems and sectors relevant to the 'PACTA' tool (




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 830 rows and 6 columns.


  • borderline (logical): Flag indicating if PACTA sector and classification code are a borderline match. The value TRUE indicates that the match is uncertain between the PACTA sector and the classification. The value FALSE indicates that the match is certainly perfect or the classification is certainly out of PACTA's scope.., * code (character): ISIC Rev 5 code with top-level letter prepended., * description (character): Original ISIC Rev 5 title., * original_code (character): Original ISIC Rev 5 code., * revision (character): Column identifying to which ISIC revision the code belongs.., * sector (character): Associated PACTA sector.


Classification datasets help to standardize sector classification codes from the wild to a relevant subset including 'power', 'oil and gas', 'coal', 'automotive', 'aviation', 'concrete', 'steel', and 'shipping'.


#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   original_code description                     code  sector borderline revision
#>   <chr>         <chr>                           <chr> <chr>  <lgl>      <chr>   
#> 1 A             Agriculture, forestry and fish… A     not i… FALSE      5       
#> 2 01            Crop and animal production, hu… A01   not i… FALSE      5       
#> 3 011           Growing of non-perennial crops  A011  not i… FALSE      5       
#> 4 0111          Growing of cereals (except ric… A0111 not i… FALSE      5       
#> 5 0112          Growing of rice                 A0112 not i… FALSE      5       
#> 6 0113          Growing of vegetables and melo… A0113 not i… FALSE      5