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pacta.pkgdown.rmitemplate provides a custom pkgdown template for RMI PACTA R packages. Please don’t use it for your own package if it’s not a PACTA package.

inspired by tidytemplate and rotemplate

meant to follow the limited documentation of a pkgdown template


You can install the development version of pacta.pkgdown.rmitemplate from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


Set it as your site’s theme in _pkgdown.yaml:

  package: pacta.pkgdown.rmitemplate

If you’re building your site using a GitHub action or other similar tool, you’ll also need to install r2diitemplate in the runner. If you’re using the r-lib pkgdown workflow, you can add the following line to your DESCRIPTION:

Config/Needs/website: rmi-pacta/pacta.pkgdown.rmitemplate